
Looking Back as Street Fighter 6 Celebrates its First Anniversary

By Ramon Domingo - June 06, 2024

It was certainly an eventful year for the latest installment of the OG fighting game series.

Street Fighter 6 is celebrating its first anniversary after Drive Rushing into the scene last June 2, 2023. They got quite a few goodies in store for fans and players and they even released an interesting infographic of their achievements in their first year.

Safe to say that those are some impressive numbers and highlights the breakout success of Street Fighter 6. There’s a few numbers that we do want to highlight that’s not mentioned in the infographic. Numbers that we think really show how much Street Fighter 6 achieved within one year.

Over 7,000 Evo Competitors

Evo has always been the biggest fighting game tournament in the world but the debut of Street Fighter 6 really pumped those numbers up. With a total of 7,061 competitors, Street Fighter 6 became the largest fighting game tournament in Evo history. Combine that with the other entrants and Evo 2023 had the most competitors ever in an Evo event.

Looking Back as Street Fighter 6 Celebrates its First Anniversary
That’s quite a gap compared to the other games. (Image by Evo)

It’s a staggering number, considering that their previous record was during the debut of Street Fighter 5 at 5,107. It just goes to show how big the hype was for a new Street Fighter and how hungry people were to compete.

The First Ever Million Dollar Prize Pool in Fighting Games

People were floored when developers Capcom revealed that Capcom Cup X would have a one-million dollar grand prize. A first in fighting game history and probably the best way to welcome Street Fighter 6 to the Capcom Cup.

A lot of new hopefuls and old veterans were pushing themselves to win that prestigious trophy. In the end it was Taiwan’s Wang “UMA” Yuan-hao, a dark horse and underdog in every sense of the word, who ended up taking it all. Now Capcom has set a precedent, and with Capcom Cup 11 also having a million dollar grand prize the competition is surely going to get fiercer.  

3 Million Copies Sold Worldwide

Street Fighter 6 is only celebrating its first anniversary but it’s already hit a significant milestone in terms of reach. For context, it took Street Fighter 5 roughly four years to hit over four million units sold. This is only Street Fighter 6’s first year so imagine just how bigger things can get from here.

Looking Back as Street Fighter 6 Celebrates its First Anniversary
And this year is looking to be bigger than the last. (Image from Street Fighter)

Banner image by Capcom.

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